MMD Inspiration Cases Use Digital signage at the entrance to launch a new range of pasta effectively!

Barilla - Al Bronzo

Use Digital signage at the entrance to launch a new range of pasta effectively!


What to do when launching a new range of pasta? You make sure you get awareness of those products in the last minutes before purchase. A Digital Signage Campaign at the entrance of the Delhaize stores seems like a good idea in that case. But is it effective?


  • Create awareness for the new range of Al Bronzo pastas
  • Generate trial

A Digital Signage Campaign in week 18 (April/May) in a cluster of 45 Delhaize supermarkets and AD Delhaize, spread over the country.


For this case we compared sales in the cluster of the 45 stores where the ad was played, to 3 other similar clusters. We observed an extra sales uplift of 10.25% in the stores that played the Digital Signage.

Delhaize Shoppers

Brand awareness

Eye catcher



Brand positionning