MMD Inspiration Info Instore experience results

Instore experience results

In 2021 MMD launched its new Instore and Out-of-store Experiences tools, the ideal tools to get your target group to know your brand.

The first activations and tasting exercises we did at the end of 2021 and at the beginning of 2022 show very clear results. Not only this is a tool to enhance the customer experience, but it boosts your sales just like that.

Discover our 3 cases below

CASE 1: Beiersdorf – Florena


  • Objective: Increase sales of a high-end cosmetic brand 

  • What? Sampling + promotion with gift with purchase and coupon

  • Where? 15 stores at national level

  • Week: 52/2021 & 3/2022



How to inform people on the new facial care brand Florena (Beiersdorf) during the pandemic? Beiersdorf decided to launch an Activation instore: brand ambassadors attracted the attention of our consumers by giving a qualitative explanation on the different products, including a sample of the product and an informative leaflet. People who were immediately convinced were offered a nice recycled tote bag for free with each Florena purchase.


The results? With this Instore Activation, we were able to reach 43,000 Delhaize consumers. The sales evolution of Florena on the activation days was 50x more than the category sales during that same day and we attracted almost 100% new buyers who had never bought the brand before.


Case 2: Arla – LactoFREE


  • Objective: Create brand awareness and generate trial on total Arla LactoFree range
  • What? Sampling + discount coupon 1€
  • Where? 15 stores at national level
  • Week: 8/2022



Arla LactoFREE is considered more as a lifestyle brand which wants to get away from the purely technical benefits of lactose-free products. Arla LactoFREE not only aims to attract lactose-intolerant consumers, but also wellness experience seekers who consume vegan dairy for example. The best way to convince a consumer is by making him try the product: that is why Arla decided to sample a complete product while giving at the same time a discount coupon of 1€ on the whole Arla LactoFREE range.


The results? During the activation days, MMD saw a turnover evolution of the Arla LactoFREE product range of 200% while the Dairy category was in decline at the same moment (96%). With this sampling activation, we convinced 45% new buyers to try out the product.


Case 3: Friesland Campina – Campina

  • Objective: Generate trial for the new low fat Campina products and inspire shoppers

  • What? Tasting with preparation + folder offer (buy one, get one half price) and/or discount coupon of 1€

  • Where? 45 stores at national level

  • Week: 17/2022 till 19/2022



The best way to inspire consumers to have fresh cheese for breakfast is to make breakfast for them. With Campina, we offered the Delhaize shoppers a healthy breakfast made of the Campina Fresh Cheese low fat alternative, some healthy granola and fresh fruit.


The results? A sales evolution of +/- 850% compared to a small increase in sales of the category during the same activation days. Friesland Campina was able to convince 88,7% new buyers of the product.


Want to know more about our Instore Experience offer? Read more about the tools in our catalogue.


Contact your account managers for more information or a personalized offer:


Anouk Ronsman              

Julie Parisel                      

Vanessa De Pester          

Instore experience results