E-mail dedicated to only one advertiser sent to a specific target:
  • Highlights on an existing promotion
  • Content inspiration
  • Innovation
  • Choose the quantity you want to target… there is no limit !
Duration 1 sending
Media Booking 6 weeks
Nice to know
  • Pre-analysis included
  • Definition of segmentation criteria in collaboration with MMD
  • Could be linked to a voucher
  • Look & feel Delhaize
  • Visual created by the client
  • Link to a page dedicated to your range of products on Delhaize.be 
  • Setup + content cost
  • Sent on Saturday or Tuesday
Post reporting
Reportings are available 6 weeks after the end of the activation and available via an online platform. Request access to our Account Managers.
Included in the price:
  • KPI1 - #Open rate (FR + NL)
  • KPI2 - #Click open rate (FR + NL)
  • KPI3 - Click-Through-Rate (FR+NL)


Brand awareness

Call To Action


Engagement / Consideration
