A national coverage of over 162 screens in Supermarkets and Affiliated stores divided in multiple clusters: 

  • Each cluster having +- 45 screens, with the same national coverage 
  • Mix of Delhaize and AD Delhaize
  • Equal estimated reach per cluster

You can book 1 or multiple clusters

> Possibility to include External Brands & Services

Supermarché Delhaize
AD Delhaize
Duration 1 week
Media Booking 6 weeks
Nice to know
  • National coverage
  • Format: 55 inch
  • Message: 6 seconds 
  • Multiple creations possibl
  • Share of time : 20%
  • 1.440 broadcasting/day
  • List of the stores available
  • Possibility to include External Brands & Services
Post reporting

If applicable (products sold at Delhaize):

  • KPI 1: Reach (category)
  • KPI 2: Penetration promoted product/range
  • KPI 3: Category turnover evolution
  • KPI 4: Promoted product / Range turnover evolution

Reportings are available 6 weeks after the end of the activation and available via an online platform. Request access to our Account Managers.


Brand awareness

Call To Action

Engagement / Consideration

Change perception