A5 mailing send to a specific target and dedicated to only one partner:

  • Exclusive offer 
  • Content inspiration
  • Innovation

1 coupon offer

Duration 1 sending
Media Booking 13 weeks
Nice to know
  • Offer coupon value: Min 20%
  • 1 coupon
  • Look & feel Delhaize
  • Creation in collaboration with MMD
  • Only one partner
  • Min 50.000 contacts
  • Technical costs and production included in the setup
  • Advanced segmentation is possible, including Delhaize Shopper Segmentation
Post reporting

Reportings are available 6 weeks after the end of the activation and available via an online platform. Request access to our Account Managers.

Included in the price

  • KPI1 - #Participation rate
  • KPI2 - # redemption


Brand awareness


Engagement / Consideration