• Advertising on Google Ads will allow you to bid for ad placement on the search when someone searches on a keyword that you have chosen.


  • Display is the grouping name of all banner types. Delhaize is buying this bannering placements on qualitative whitelisted  third party network (De Standaard, Le Soir, De Morgen, La Libre, …). The target group is chosen by you and it will be delivered within those parameters.


  • Native advertising is a form of paid media where the ad experience follows the natural form and function of the user experience in which it is placed!

Extended Audience has to be booked always in combination with an MMD online campaign. 

Duration 1 week until 8 weeks depending on the goal of your campaign: Promo 1 week, Positioning 2 weeks, Awareness 4 weeks, Always-on 8 weeks
Media Booking 8 weeks
Nice to know
  • Increase reach
  • Build awareness and notoriety for your brand
  • Qualified audiences (based upon shopping and website behavior actual visitors)
  • Qualitative environments (whitelisted domains, brand safe)
  • Use as a supplementary distribution/information
    platform (for those brands that do not have an e shop or
    website, Facebook page, …)
  • Increase Audience (online and offline)
  • "Recommended by a powerful brand (Delhaize)" 


Brand awareness

Call To Action