Target shoppers and boost the visibility of your range of products on through a valuable set of targeted ads:

Visibility on the Category, Search, Home Page & Home Page Eshop

  • 1 Flagship Home Page
  • 1 Flagship Home Page Eshop
  • 1 Flagship Check out
  • 1 Butterfly Category
  • 1 Butterfly Keywords 
Duration 1 week
Media Booking 6 weeks
Nice to know
  • Target the shoppers with the highest purchase intention via Delhaize online data throughout the buying journey: Home page, Category page, Search page and Order confirmation page. 
  • Targeting based on cold data (purchase history), hot data (real time page views, searched keywords, shopping basket content,...) and exogenous date (weather forecast, results,...) 
  • Adblock free
  • Native design
  • 100% responsive design
  • Prices, description, stocks,... dynamics and updated in real time 
  • Direct "add to basket" and "add to shopping list" 
  • Possibility to promote up to 5 references via a carousel system 
  • Up to 150K impressions/week 
  • Creatives to be provided by the client
Post reporting

Reportings are available 6 weeks after the end of the activation and available via an online platform. Request access to our Account Managers.

  • # impressions per format
  • Interaction rate
  • Revenue evolution
  • Conversion rate
  • Campaign reach
  • Engagement rate
  • Market share evolution 
  • Top 10 categories by main interaction
  • Top 10 keywords by main interaction 
  • Sales performance (unit and revenue evolution before/during/after) 
  • Shopper repartition Recruited vs. Rebuyers
  • Multi devices analysis


Brand awareness

Call To Action


Engagement / Consideration
