Engage, educate and convert your shopper through a fun experience! 

Included in this Program:

  • Online game (2 weeks)
  • 1 OTA Pressure (2 weeks)
  • 1 dedicated e-mail (100.000 contacts)
  • 1 insert email (800.000 contacts)
  • Post-action: stimulate rebuy via e-coupon
  • Post-reporting
  • Option: Instore Stopper NFC (budget on demand)
  • Option: Extended Reach Pack (+ 6.000 €)
Duration 2 weeks
Media Booking 10 weeks
Nice to know

Recruit: Games help you generate leads you can contact afterwards for other purposes (f.e. follow up, sending of a coupon, content)

  • 50 various games (memo, quiz, catcher game, shot goals, etc.) 
  • Micro-site fully dedicated to your brand with your own look&feel
  • Recruit : Games help you genarating leads and qualify your DB
  • Engage : Average of 3-4 minutes of engagement with your brand
  • High Virality
Post reporting

If applicable:

  • KPI 1: Reach category
  • KPI 2: Penetration promoted product/range
  • KPI 3: % New Buyers of promoted product/range
  • KPI 4: Category turnover evolution
  • KPI 5: Promoted product / Range turnover evolution 

# Participants online



Brand awareness

Engagement / Consideration
