• No Delivery Fee for the consumer by buying a certain amount of product(s)
  • Visibility on the homepage, the mega menu and in the online folder
Duration 1 week
Media Booking 10 weeks
Nice to know
  • Up to 3 slots/week (as from 2022)
  • Max. 10 SKU
  • No promopack
  • No other promotion at the same time
  • No frozen product

! Important ! 

The total value of the bought products must be between 7€ and 15€. 

Post reporting

Reportings are available 6 weeks after the end of the activation and available via an online platform. Request access to our Account Managers.

Included in the price

  • KPI1 - #Unit sales
  • KPI2 - #Sales uplift %
  • KPI3 - #Buying rate


Call To Action
