Support placed in the isle as self testing 

Supermarché Delhaize
AD Delhaize
Proxy Delhaize
Shop & Go
Duration 2 weeks
Media Booking 8 weeks
Nice to know
  • Placement - Post reporting by MMD
  • Provision of products to be tested
    • SM: ± 150 products
    • SM+AD: ±380 products
  • Creation and production by the client
  • No refill
Post reporting

Included in the price

  • KPI 1 - Reach category
  • KPI 2 - Penetration promoted product/range
  • KPI 3 - % New Buyers of promoted product/range
  • KPI 4 - Category turnover evolution
  • KPI 5 - Promoted product/range turnover evolution

Reportings are available 6 weeks after the end of the activation and available via an online platform. Request access to our Account Managers.




Engagement / Consideration

Change perception